How to help your learners develop study skills

Developing great study skills is important for learners to acquire. It ensures that the content they learned in the classroom has been understood and that they can apply their knowledge when writing tests and exams. However, learners don’t always know what study methods they can use while studying.

Boy studying at desk

Developing great study skills is important for learners to acquire. It ensures that the content they learned in the classroom has been understood and that they can apply their knowledge when writing tests and exams. However, learners don’t always know what study methods they can use while studying.

There are several study methods that learners can use to successfully study. Here are two study techniques your learners can use when studying for tests and exams.


A mnemonic is a learning technique that will help your learners remember large amounts of information and not lose marks for that one point they can’t remember. There are different types of mnemonics, but we will look at two examples.

Acronym mnemonics
This is when you take the first letter of each word in your list and make a new word. For example, there are four types of rivers:

Build a new word – PEPE. Remember this word and what each letter is for. When asked, ‘What are the four types of rivers?’, all you need to remember is PEPE to jog your memory and write down the four types without forgetting one of them.

That was an easy example, now let’s look at remembering a longer list where it is difficult to make a new word.

Word mnemonics
The first letter of each word is combined to form a phrase or sentence. For example, there are 7 different drainage patterns of a river system:

The first letter of each word is – D T R R C D P. Let’s try to make a phrase or sentence using these letters – Donald Trump Rides Rhinos Crossing Desert Plains.

When asked, ‘What are the different drainage patterns of a river system?’ Say to yourself – Donald Trump Rides Rhinos Crossing Desert Plains. This will help you to remember the first letter of each drainage pattern and you will also remember all 7 of them. Now you just have to write them down on your answer sheet.

There is no need for your learners to lose valuable marks anymore!

Mind maps

A mind map is a diagram that visually maps out, summarises or organises information. For many people, using mind maps helps them to remember information more easily.

How to make a mind map

  1. Start your mind map by writing or drawing a word or picture in the center of the page. This word or picture should represent your main idea and for the section or chapter.
  2. Draw branches extending from your central image and write a key word or draw a picture to represent your main topics (or major points) on these branches.
  3. From your main topics, draw further branches for your sub-topics drawing and/or writing keywords down as you go.
  4. From your sub-topics, branch off with more detail that supports your sub-topics with more keywords and drawings.
  5. Continue to add more detail, more topics more sub-topics until you have completely summarised the section or chapter on the page.

Using drawings, keywords and various colours will also make it easier and more interesting when preparing for exams.

Why make mind maps?

  • When creating your mind map, you use both sides of your brain.
  • Like your brain, a mind map works with links, connections, and associations.
  • A mind map makes it easier to remember facts.
  • A mind map helps you to become more creative.
  • A mind map allows ideas to flow easily.
  • A mind map can be read and reviewed quickly and easily.
  • It is easy to see how ideas are related on a mind map.
  • A mind map uses keywords to improve memory and saves time.
  • A mind map focuses on the main idea and then connects the other ideas.
  • A mind map allows you to make easy additions.
  • All the information on a section or chapter is on one page.
  • Mind mapping optimises your brain’s potential fully.

Helping your learners develop effective study techniques will not only assist them in getting good marks but will also help them develop healthy study habits they can apply in tertiary education.