Dora Tamana: A heritage of caring and stamina

Dora Tamana was a Cape Town based anti-apartheid activist and feminist. While there is a lack of historical materials about her life, Mama Dora as she was affectionately referred to, was a significant figure within the anti-apartheid movement. 

In 1921, Dora Ntloko and her family were members of the Israelite Church and were present in Ntabelanga at what became the Bulhoek Massacre. John Tamana was one of the many people wounded during the massacre and Dora helped carry him to safety. In 1923, Dora and John got married and in 1930 the couple moved to Cape Town. They hoped to build a better life away from the daily hardships of their village and start afresh after suffering a number of personal tragedies. Cape Town turned out to be another harsh environment, where just surviving was a constant struggle.

They moved houses a number of times, even briefly living in the historic District Six. Eventually, in 1939, the family moved to Blaauwvlei, part of which is now Retreat. Dora built a shack and painted it white, hopeful about the prospect of setting down roots in the area. It became the starting point of her journey as a lifelong activist and leader. When she looked around her community and saw the conditions people were living in, she began thinking about the general state of black people’s lives in South Africa. She felt moved to be part of providing solutions. Dora got her family involved with the Cape Flats Distress Association (CAFDA) and was on the executive. Her son helped start a vegetable garden at CAFDA whilst she and her uncle supplied milk to the area. Seeing how improved nutrition positively impacted the children in the district pleased her.

In her lifetime, Dora took up many leadership roles. She started a creche in Blaauwvlei after hearing about the childcare centres in Communist Russia. She cooked for the African School Feeding Scheme and was part of a sewing group for the Blaauwvlei community. During the food shortages in the period of World War II, Dora was elected to the executive of the Women’s Food Committee. She was respected in her community and people often came to her for advice as she was a wise and proactive leader.

Dora was a founding member of the Federation of South African Women (FEDSAW) and was elected its first National Secretary in 1954. In 1955, Dora Tamana and Lilian Ngoyi, as FEDSAW leaders, were the first women in the anti-apartheid struggle to travel internationally and campaign for South Africa’s exclusion from international affairs. This was during a time when black South African movements were heavily monitored and restricted, yet through their temerity and ingenuity, these two fierce women made a way. 

Mama Dora was also instrumental in the organisation of the 1956 Women’s March in Pretoria. At a women’s meeting in the 1980s, when she was still active in the liberation struggle, she said to the young women present: ‘I opened the door for you, you must go through’. Dora remained politically active into her eighties, even as her health declined her passion for a free, fair and equal South Africa remained fervent.

Dora Tamana has been honoured with a road and recreational park in Cape Town named after her. Let us continue to honour her life and role in the realisation of a democratic South Africa by remembering her many bold and brave contributions.

Our Proud Philosophical Heritage: Steve Biko

“You are either alive and proud or you are dead, and when you are dead, you can’t care anyway”

These are the words of Steve Biko as quoted in the Boston Globe, 25 October 1977. In the world we live in today, what can one say about being alive, proud and caring? Steve was one of the prominent figures who fought for the freedom we enjoy today. Out of concerns and opposition to the apartheid regime, Steve became a political activist. This began when he was at the University of Natal Medical School, where he was voted onto the Students Representative Council and became involved with the National Union of South African Students (NUSAS).

NUSAS was known for its ideals against apartheid, but was dominated by white students. Many black students felt NUSAS did not understand or appreciate the hardships faced by black people. Furthermore, NUSAS focused its attention on issues impacting white students only. This led to the formation of the South African Students Organisation (SASO), led by Steve. SASO was formed to address the needs of black students. Steve’s membership in SASO and his prolific political writing were very impactful in persuading black people. They should be proud of their humanity and be confident in making their demands known and rights respected.

As a leader in the Black Consciousness Movement, Steve devoted his life to working against injustice. The purpose of the movement was to assist black people and enable them to overcome their inferiority complex. The Black Consciousness Movement identified all oppressed people in South Africa – Coloured, Indian and African – as black, an identity opposed to the colonial concepts created by European supremacy. The sense of pride encouraged by the movement was to assist people to live meaningful lives that were not reliant on the government for advancement and well-being. One of their famous slogans were ‘Black is Beautiful’. However, Steve emphasised that all races should actively work together towards a future South Africa, free from racial hatred.

Steve worked in Black Community Programmes that helped counter the impact of apartheid laws and Bantu Education. The fight against Bantu Education influenced the student Soweto uprising in 1976; an event recognised as an impactful contribution by youth in the fight against apartheid laws.

In all his endeavours to assist the nation fight against injustices, Steve faced a number of challenges. He was expelled from university for his political activities, he was under constant surveillance from Security Police, he was banned from organisations and his movements were restricted. The ban prohibited him from holding discussions with more than one person at a time and writing for any publications. He was arrested several times in an effort to curb his influence. Despite all these challenges his determination to empower people never stopped. As a brave and influential leader who cared deeply for his people and the nation, Steve Biko’s impact in the transformation of South Africa may never be forgotten.


By Bonga Mchunu


They Fought For Freedom: Steve Biko

South African History Online: The life of Steve Biko, at