Improve students' note-taking skills

Many students find making notes a troublesome act. With proper study notes, studying and passing exams becomes much easier, and with good results. Note taking forces you to pay attention and aids your concentration in class (or while reading a textbook). According to research on learning, actively engaging with the topic by listening and then summarising what you hear helps you understand and remember the information later. Most importantly, it makes learning more enjoyable.

Note taking students

Why is it important to write study notes?

Many students find making notes a troublesome act. With proper study notes, studying and passing exams becomes much easier, and with good results. Note taking forces you to pay attention and aids your concentration in class (or while reading a textbook). According to research on learning, actively engaging with the topic by listening and then summarising what you hear helps you understand and remember the information later. Most importantly, it makes learning more enjoyable.

Here are 5 tips you can use to help your students take and use their notes more effectively and efficiently.

1. Outline your lesson

Try to organise your lesson both orally and visually. Write your lesson outline on the board and use your outline to highlight topic shifts during the lesson. Studies show that students typically record what the teacher has written so practice caution when using the board or other visuals. You can also use signaling phrases and transition statements like “this is important,” “remember,” “these differ in three important ways,” “the second point is,” or “next…”. This will help students to organise their content when writing notes and will make it easier for them to find something when they are revising their work.

2. Train students to take notes better notes

Provide students with feedback on their notes. Hand out your version of the lesson’s notes after class on occasion so that students can compare their notes to yours. When you meet with students who are struggling with your subject, ask them to bring their notes with them. Poor notes (or no notes!) could be the root of many of their issues. Many teachers also advise troubled students to re-copy their notes in order to organise them, fill in gaps with text, and identify points that are not completely understood and require additional study.

3. Inform students about what they should record

Should they keep track of examples, sample problems, and class discussions? What about example explanations and problem solutions? Is it necessary to keep track of names, dates, and research citations? The answers to such questions vary depending on the course. You can assist students by providing explicit instructions about what to include in class notes, at least in the first few classes.

4. Encourage students to think

Pause every now and then and ask them to paraphrase what they’ve written in their notes — to rewrite definitions or retell examples. Encourage them to speak in their own words. Suggest that they explain their notes to a nearby student. To encourage students to elaborate and extend their notes (and their understanding), have them write the following sentence endings: “Another example of this might be…”; “The last time I saw a problem like this was…”; “I remember discussing this issue with…”; “This information might explain why…” Such prompts encourage students to make connections between new and old material, which is another step toward understanding and retention.

5. Make time in class for note-taking activities

Remember that you’re using note-taking to encourage students to think more deeply about what is been taught in the classroom. Many students benefit from taking and reviewing notes. You can demonstrate your interest in helping students “learn how to learn” by expressing the importance of taking notes in class. Provide students with note taking time when discussing an important topic. You may also increase the likelihood that your students will remember what you teach them.



Blogs, L. F., n.d. Learn From Blogs. [Online]
Available at:
[Accessed 06 08 2022].

Dartmouth, U., 2020. UMASS Dartmouth. [Online]
Available at:,and%20remember%20the%20information%20later.
[Accessed 06 August 2022].

Available at:
[Accessed 06 08 2022].

Navigating the Coding & Robotics curriculum

In our ever-changing technological world, the Coding and Robotics curriculum is vital in exposing our learners to new technologies within the schooling environment and building a foundation of knowledge for the Intermediate and Senior Phase.

Learner on computer

In our ever-changing technological world, the Coding and Robotics curriculum is vital in exposing our learners to new technologies within the schooling environment and building a foundation of knowledge for the Intermediate and Senior Phase.

The Coding and Robotics curriculum aims to guide and prepare learners to solve problems, think critically, work collaboratively and creatively, function in a digital and information-driven world, apply digital and ICT skills and to transfer these skills to solve everyday problems.

What is coding and robotics?

Coding is the way we communicate with a computer to tell it what we want it to do. Coding is also called computer programming. The program or code is a set of instructions, so the computer knows the actions it must take. You can use your computer coding to tell a computer to process data, create websites or apps, create digital games, and many other amazing digital things.

Robots are machines that have been made to do a task. There are many different types of robots. Often, robots are built to copy or imitate human actions. A robot is a programmable machine that combines science, engineering and technology.

What are the different content areas in the Coding and Robotics curriculum for Foundation Phase?

In the Curriculum and Assessment Policy Statement (CAPS) the subject Coding and Robotics in Foundation Phase (Grades R–3) has been organised into five strands or digital skills and knowledge content areas, namely:

  • Pattern recognition and problem solving
  • Algorithms and coding
  • Robotics skills
  • Internet and E-Communication skills
  • Application skills

Click here to learn more about the different content areas of the coding and robotics curriculum.

Teaching Methodologies

There are two teaching methodologies to be used when teaching the Coding and Robotics curriculum:

  • Computational thinking (namely decomposition, pattern recognition, abstraction and algorithm) and
  • Engineering design process (investigate, design, make, evaluate and communicate).

Computational thinking

Computational thinking involves the expressing of and finding of solutions to problems in a way that a computer can interpret and execute.

Computational thinking is a dynamic process involving the following steps:

  • Decomposition: A process of thinking about problems and breaking them down into smaller parts to make them easier to understand and solve
  • Pattern recognition: Recognition of similarities and characteristics in smaller parts of the de-composed problems to solve them more efficiently
  • Abstraction: A process of filtering characteristics of patterns that we don’t need, in order to concentrate on those that contribute to the solution
  • Algorithm: A way of defining the steps that we need to solve the problem

Engineering Design Process

The curriculum describes the Design Process as the backbone of the subject and should be used to structure the delivery of all learning aims.

We work through the Design Process to solve problems:

  • The problem: to begin the process, learners should be exposed to a problem, need or opportunity as a starting point.
  • Investigate: involves finding out about contexts to the problem, researching existing products in relation to key design aspects, performing practical tests to understand aspects of the content areas or determining a product’s fitness-for-purpose.
  • Design & make: designing, making and evaluating; these skills should not be separate as they are interrelated. Designs can be drawn, drafted and virtually assembled before they are produced.
  • Evaluate: evaluation skills are used throughout the process, for example, they are used to choose ideas.
  • Communicate: communication should be ongoing throughout the entire design process. Learners should be continually recording and presenting their project’s progress in written and graphical forms.

Smart-Kids Coding & Robotics Workbook & Teacher’s Guide

The Smart-Kids Coding & Robotics workbook assists learners in understanding coding and robotics concepts. It consists of write-in worksheets that can be used by teachers to introduce the subject to young learners, or by parents who want their child to learn and practise the skills required for coding and robotics.

9781776103942 Smart-Kids Coding & Robotics Grade 2 Workbook

Workbook features:

  • One activity per page with clear instructions
  • Answers and tips to guide parents
  • Cutout coding blocks for additional practice
  • Cutout keyboard and screen to make your own laptop
  • Star chart and certificate

The Smart-Kids Coding & Robotics Teacher’s Guide in eBook format provides the educator with guidelines to help learners with the activities. It includes reference to the Curriculum and Assessment Policy Statement (CAPS) addressed on each page in the Smart-Kids Coding & Robotic workbook and includes the answers to the activities.

Click here to purchase Smart-Kids Coding & Robotics Teacher’s Guide Grade 2.


Learn more about the Smart-Kids Coding & Robotics workbook.

Different content areas in the Coding & Robotics curriculum

In the Curriculum and Assessment Policy Statement (CAPS) the subject Coding and Robotics in Foundation Phase (Grades R–3) has been organised into five strands or digital skills and knowledge content areas.

Girl building robot

In the Curriculum and Assessment Policy Statement (CAPS) the subject Coding and Robotics in Foundation Phase (Grades R–3) has been organised into five strands or digital skills and knowledge content areas, namely:

  • Pattern Recognition and Problem Solving
  • Algorithms and Coding
  • Robotics Skills
  • Internet and E-Communication Skills
  • Application Skills

Strand 1: Pattern Recognition and Problem Solving

This is the first strand. This strand is only found in the Foundation Phase. Learning to identify abstract and geometric patterns is an integral part of the design and computational thinking process which will assist learners in solving problems.

The following skills and concepts are taught in the Pattern Recognition and Problem Solving strand:

  • Identification and analysis of regularities in patterns
  • Repetitions and change in patterns, with increases in size and number of physical objects, drawings and symbolic forms
  • Making predictions and solving problems about patterns
  • Description of patterns and relationships using symbolic expressions and grids
  • The identification of code patterns through the sequences of lines, shapes and objects in the world.

Strand 2: Algorithms and Coding

In the Foundation Phase, fundamental programming principles are introduced to Grade R learners through physical, offline or unplugged coding activities. In Grade 1, learners progress to using digital platforms that are engaging, fun and easy-to-learn. The programming platforms introduce learners to computational skills and concepts, such as identifying and analysing solutions to basic problems.

Learners should convert simple physical or offline algorithms to block-based coding. The curriculum introduces the learners to coding in a sequential manner.

Strand 3: Robotics Skills

When completing the robotics tasks, learners are introduced to the fundamental mechanical systems and electrical circuits. The methodology in the Robotics strand primarily uses the engineering design process combined with computational thinking skills.

The concepts and skills in the Foundation Phase include:

  • Creating logical steps for robots to follow
  • Using basic mechanical systems such as pulleys, gears and linkages when building model robots
  • Building basic electrical circuits.

Strand 4: Internet and E-Communication Skills

This strand informs and prepares learners to work and interact safely in a digital environment, both online and offline.

The concepts and skills in the Foundation Phase include:

  • Each learner’s own digital identity
  • Personal internet security and safety when using digital platforms
  • An introduction to various types of E-communication technologies or platforms
  • An introduction and basic understanding of networks and the Internet
  • Information about the safe use of Web browsers to search for information.

Strand 5: Application Skills

In this strand, Foundation Phase learners are introduced to different digital platforms and are taught about the various user interfaces and functions of applications on devices.

The concepts and skills in the Foundation Phase include:

  • Understanding what digital devices are and how to use them
  • Understanding what a user interface is
  • Text editing applications
  • Spreadsheet applications

Smart-Kids Coding & Robotics Workbook & Teacher’s Guide

The Smart-Kids Coding & Robotics workbook assists learners in understanding coding and robotics concepts. It consists of write-in worksheets that can be used by teachers to introduce the subject to young learners, or by parents who want their child to learn and practise the skills required for coding and robotics.

9781776103942 Smart-Kids Coding & Robotics Grade 2 Workbook

Workbook features:

  • One activity per page with clear instructions
  • Answers and tips to guide parents
  • Cutout coding blocks for additional practice
  • Cutout keyboard and screen to make your own laptop
  • Star chart and certificate

The Smart-Kids Coding & Robotics Teacher’s Guide in eBook format provides the educator with guidelines to help learners with the activities. It includes reference to the Curriculum and Assessment Policy Statement (CAPS) addressed on each page in the Smart-Kids Coding & Robotic workbook and includes the answers to the activities.

Click here to purchase Smart-Kids Coding & Robotics Teacher’s Guide Grade 2.


Learn more about the Smart-Kids Coding & Robotics workbook.

How to increase student engagement with eTextbooks

Have you ever wondered…  Why don’t students do their assigned readings? How can I increase learners’ engagement with eTextbooks?

Learner on tablet studying at home

A 2015 study looked at how an instructor’s use of eText affects student reading and learning. It found that 70% of students preferred eTexts over paper textbooks because of instructor highlights and annotations.

Technology alone doesn’t improve learning. Teachers like you, play the most important role in encouraging students to read.

When instructors actively use the eText with highlights and annotations students actually read more, highlighted more, and made more notes. In other words, when instructors engage with the eText so do their students.

With eText, you have new opportunities to connect with students, and guide their learning. When you use it to its full potential, you can inspire students to engage meaningfully with the text.

We would like to share with you a short video on how you can use eTextbooks to encourage students to engage with their reading.

Tips on creating hybrid classrooms

Katherine McEldoon and Emily Schneider

The hybrid model of teaching and learning combines online and in-person learning into one cohesive experience. Although the model has been around for many years, interest has been on the rise because it gives instructors the flexibility to design their courses in a way to reduce the risk of exposure to COVID-19 and give students ownership over their learning.

Studying from home on laptop

Another advantage of the hybrid classroom model is that it can be the “best of both worlds” by giving students and teachers the in-person and social interactions they crave while also taking advantage of the benefits of technology.

This article serves as a primer for those who are ready to try hybrid teaching and learning. Drawing on the research literature, it covers where to start, a model for integrating technology, how to plan hybrid interactions with students, what a learner-centered approach is and how to support it, advice for online assessments, as well as an example of a hybrid implementation.

Where to start

Successful hybrid courses fully integrate online and face-to-face instruction, planning interactions in a pedagogically valuable manner. Build around what you want students to learn:

  • Don’t: think of your hybrid class as a direct translation of your face-to-face course. Common pitfalls are to directly translate the online or to add online components onto a face-to-face class.
  • Do: build your course by starting with the learning objectives in your syllabus. Then, as you’re building your course, select and align the delivery method, technology, and assignments that will best help students learn the objectives and content.

Consider three things during this process:

  1. What needs to be done in-person versus online
  2. What needs to be in real-time versus giving students flexibility
  3. What needs to be instructor-facilitated versus facilitated by the learning resources

Integrate the experiences
Melding in-person and online classes doesn’t need to be disjointed. You can incorporate them in such a way that they support each other. For example, assign challenging and engaging online learning activities and then discuss them in-person, inviting questions. If you’re encouraging online discussion, reference these discussions in class to confirm their value.

Choose the right technology for you

Technology also has benefits that can improve learning, such as immediate feedback and monitoring progress. Rather than starting by shopping for educational technology, start by understanding the problems you experience. Then evaluate whether educational technology can help solve those problems. We have provided examples in the complete guide, available for download.

Plan effective interactions

After you’ve identified the learning objectives, think about the interactions you’ll use to facilitate learning and which mode you’ll use. Hybrid learning enables a lot of flexibility in how the students interact with each other, with you, and with the learning materials. Interactions can be categorised into three types.

  1. Instructor-Learner: Instructor interaction is a major driver of successful learning. Examples include emails and discussions.
  2. Learner-Learner: These interactions can either happen online, with learners interacting but not necessarily in real-time, or in person. Examples include discussions, collaborative group work, and peer-review activities
  3. Learner-Content: The SAMR Model is one way of thinking to make the most of student interactions using technology. Examples include lecturing via Zoom instead
    of in the front of a classroom or instead of studying a static diagram of a physics concept, students watch a video and predict what happens next.

Craft a learner-centered approach to learning

In a hybrid model, encourage students to take control of their learning. Start by enabling students to choose how they engage with the materials. Hybrid models allow students to chose in when, how, and what they engage with. Although there are real-time aspects of a hybrid course (either face-to-face or online), much of the learning occurs on the students’ own time.

Their own independence should be encouraged and they’ll need support to take ownership of their work. Importantly, prompt them to monitor and reflect on their learning, and then act on their new understanding.

Take your assessment online

If your preference is to use a traditional summative exam, these research-based tips can make the online experience better for you and your students. Here are guidelines for taking your assessments online.

  1. Create clear and specific rules and instructions so students know exactly what to do.
  2. Reduce the opportunities for cheating.
  3. Make sure students can reasonably complete the exam within the time allotted.
  4. Align your exam questions to learning outcomes.
  5. Base scoring and point values on the complexity and difficulty of the questions.

Methods and tips on each of these points can be found in the complete guide available for download.

Continuously improve

Keep your approach simple at first and aim for continuous improvement, not perfection. We encourage you to try something, get feedback from your students, and keep improving your course. And, you’re not alone. Your colleagues may also have advice too. You can build an informal or formal learning network. This is a learning experience for everyone.

About the authors

Katherine McEldoon, PhD
Katherine is a Senior Research Scientist at Pearson. Trained in cognitive science research labs across the country, she has worked to connect insights from the science of learning to educational practice throughout her career. Katherine earned her PhD in Cognitive Development and was an Institute of Education Sciences’ Experimental Education Research Fellow at Vanderbilt University’s Peabody College of Education. Her postdoctoral work at Arizona State University centered on a research partnership between The Learning Sciences Institute and ASU Preparatory Academies, incorporating a theory of active learning into middle & high school teacher pedagogy. Since then, she has continued to bridge research and practice outside of academia, working with educational technology start-up companies, state governments, and more. Katherine firmly believes in the power of enabling educators with insights from research and incorporates this mindset into her work at Pearson.

Emily Schneider, PhD
Emily has spent more than a decade researching and designing learning experiences for higher education. As a Senior Learning Designer at Pearson, she helps product teams create effective and engaging digital learning experiences at scale. Emily believes that we should take advantage of technology for what it offers but never forget the power of the embodied human experience. She holds a PhD in Learning Sciences and Technology Design from Stanford University.