Express yourself with confidence
Longman dictionaries are compiled using the Longman Corpus Network – a huge database of 330 million words from a wide range of real-life sources such as books, newspapers and magazines. We constantly talk to teachers around the world to find out what they need from a learner’s dictionary. Our aim is to get all our users communicating confidently in English.
Foundation Phase Bilingual Dictionaries
These dictionaries combine traditional picture dictionaries and alphabetical dictionaries. Learners get two dictionaries in one
Longman South African School Dictionary
This is the first Longman dictionary written specifically for the South African curriculum. It will help learners understand all the vocabulary they need for school and help to improve their grammar. The dictionary comes with an interactive CD.
Longman Basic English Dictionary
Younger learners will find this dictionary a simple and fun introduction to monolingual dictionaries. Simple definitions and examples are given, accompanied by illustrations. A workbook filled with exercises to practise vocabulary is available. It includes 12 000 words, phrases and illustrations, including full-colour topic pages.